To be honest, sometimes I feel like one of these unripe berries growing right alongside these verdant, ripe, red and ready raspberries in a way that only seems to punctuate the difference between the two.
But I don't need to covet someone else's assignment. I don't need to deviate from my own lane in envy of another's. There's no point in lamenting where God has me, simply because my story may look a little less colorful than someone else's. If someone else is readier for a particular assignment than I am, then who am I to despise where I am in the process?
Here's what I know: The boundary lines have fallen for ME in pleasant places, and surely I have a delightful inheritance. Someone else may be riper for a particular task than I am, but there's no room for contempt over where God has me, because He has assigned me according to His omniscience. He has gifted me uniquely, and has chosen the right assignment for me to be accomplished in the right season.
And the boundary lines have fallen for YOU in pleasant places, too. And surely YOU have a delightful inheritance (Psalm 16:6). Someone else may be riper and readier for a particular task than you are, but friend, there is no room for contempt over where God has you right now, because He has assigned YOU according to His omniscience. He has gifted YOU uniquely, and He has chosen the right assignment for YOU to be accomplished in just the right season.
Do not despise the day of small beginnings. Vast vineyards start small.
Much love,