Have. Mercy.
When this little one (and I use that term loosely) was born, they had to find a totally different scale, because she was so much bigger than any other child they had weighed on a standard newborn scale.
I look at this picture--the stark contrast between the tiny 7-pound child and the ginormous 17-pound child--and I think of the words of Romans 8:18:
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.
Not worth comparing.
Unable to be weighed on the same scales.
Our present sufferings on one scale, and the glory that will be revealed in us, on a totally different scale.
I NEED this to be true.
It's not saying our present sufferings are not flippin' beating the crap out of us. Because just maybe they are. The things that are breaking our hearts, raking us over the coals, and making us scream out to God are not small in and of themselves.
And yet these things that leave our souls writhing cannot be weighed on the same scale as God's glory that will be revealed in us.
Beautiful hope.