Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I'm on my face, y'all.  

Ten days until GodBreathedT E N   D A Y S .

Ten days until the doors of the Rock Barn swing open and we welcome in the people for whom we've prayed.  Ten days until we taste and see that the Word of the LORD is plenty good.  Ten days until we draw a line in the sand and say that from this day forward, we are going to allow truth to have its right place in our homes, our families, our heritages.  

You may be nowhere near Atlanta that night, but can I dare you to pray alongside us?  May I plead with you to ask God for the stuff of heaven to collide with the ones present in that place on October 6th?  Can I beg of you to flood heaven with requests on our behalf? 

There is no way on God's green earth that this event will come and go without God's glory being revealed in some way.  His hand has been way too SEEN in all of this--even on the hardest days (and trust me, in the last 300 days there have been *MANY* contenders for the title of "Hardest Day")!  But it's more than that.  I know His Word does not return empty but does what He intends it to do when He sends it out.  Praise Him!

Ten days.  240 hours (good heavens, it's terrifying when I think of it like THAT).  

Go time.

Thank you doesn't even suffice to express my gratitude for your prayers!!!!
 With love and thanks,

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