Can you believe God brought up Matthew 5:14-16 again?!?
Yesterday I went to my Bible study (Believing God by Beth Moore), and the coolest thing happened. Last week we'd gotten a bit chatty and ran short on time, so we had to leave the last few minutes of our DVD for this week.
Totally in keeping with this week's Matthew 5:14-16 theme, Beth closed out what was meant to be last week's video message with an illustration. She pulled out an oil lamp and I thought to myself, "No way. No way is she really going to speak from the Matthew 5 passage!" although I knew in my heart God was saying, "Yes way!"
"A city on a hill cannot be hidden!" Beth said emphatically. And there it was!!! She went on to speak of how the tongue can do mighty things when set ablaze by the Holy Spirit who lives within us.
Here's the thing...the day before Bible study, I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be amazing if that passage came up in Bible study this week?" It wasn't likely to happen--the study is on Believing God, and we've never spent much time in Matthew thus far. I knew in my heart that if that passage were to pop up during Bible study, it would totally have to be a God thing. And I believe it was!
Can I just say it? Praise God!!!! Had we not gone over our time last week, we never would have watched the end of the video yesterday, which was truly when I needed to see it. Lord, You are perfect and awesome and good!
may God go before you, continue to shape you for his will, and use you to "shine" for his glory alone.