Friday, April 17, 2009

The Uncomplicated Life

This week I have felt such a strong conviction in my spirit...a call to simplicity. Have you ever been going along and after awhile you feel the words TOO MUCH pressing on your heart? I really felt that this week! And I'd consider my life to be fairly uncluttered (I said my life, not my house). I cherish (and I must say this word doesn't quite envelope all the emotion I wish it did) our simple days around here. I am totally okay with us having nowhere to go once in a while. This week included subbing, working with 3 tutoring clients, going to Bible study, making and delivering meals, Trevor's soccer practice and pictures, and running back and forth to the pediatrician a few times. Normally that wouldn't kill me (and I know a lot of women with 10 times this schedule) but this week I felt the TOO MUCH on my heart.

My most complicated time of the week--the 24 hour stretch from Wednesday at dinner time until Thursday at dinner time--is just full, for a lack of a better word. And we're doing good stuff! We head out to our married couples' small group (which we love) and hand the kids off to a sitter. We race home and I make the meals until really, really late at night, which means Justin falls asleep without me. Then Thursday morning I run off to Bible study, and the kids go to their childcare rooms at the church. Then we race home, I load up the meals, and then we're off to deliver the meals, drop the kids off with someone, and then I'm off to tutor for a few hours. Every Thursday evening when the mad dash is over, I let out a huge sigh and hug my family extra tight.

On Wednesday I really, really felt like we should skip our small group--and I never like to miss small group! It was this nagging feeling even as I loaded the kids up in the car. We were a few miles down the road when I saw Aila in the rear view mirror--she looked tired, had been battling an ear infection, and even looked sad just sitting back there. She was just staring out the window blankly--not her usual silly, happy self. Once again, TOO MUCH pressed hard on my heart. Before you knew it, we were headed back home. And the second I turned that car around, peace covered me.

When we got home, we spread out a huge blanket in the living room and had a "carpet picnic" for dinner. We had asparagus and chicken piccata, and I even let Trevor have a glass of lemonade with dinner. Sure, he spilled some of it. But the whole thing was beautiful. Beautiful!!! A dinner I won't forget. We just sat there, plunked down together in a precious moment of simplicity.

I do not at all mean to bemoan the things that I am privileged to do to contribute while getting to be at home. I am so very grateful for the opportunities God has given! It's just that my heart longs for simplicity, and I want to protect our family time together, especially as Trevor and Aila get older and will become more involved with activities. After all, I really believe that, several years down the road, it's the simple things we'll all remember. And perhaps in the midst of the quiet moments is when seeds are sown the most. I just want to be mindful of the tremendous value of an uncomplicated life, and the gift of simplicity.

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