Oh, how my heart is compelled to gird that boy up with what he needs to go out into this world. I know he's not the one to save the world, but I am hungry to see him speak of the One who came to save the world, and to proclaim Him by the way he lives.
I wish I could be the perfect mom. I am so NOT. But I am desperate to give both Trevor and Aila everything they need (read: JESUS) in these years that I have them under my roof, that they may go out that door one day to spend the rest of their days bringing glory to our God and knowing Him intimately. And when they go out from here, I want to kiss them goodbye completely covered with the peace that I showed them Jesus and covered them with everything they'll need to make an impact on their corner of the world.
Be thankful you are not the perfect mom. One day, when your children are grown and serving Christ with all their hearts, you will not be tempted to take the credit and praise for that. Trust me on this one! ;-)
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, continue relying on God daily for the strength and wisdom to shepherd these precious little gifts. I know you do just that!
Love you, sweet friend!