I'm always a bit surprised (read: seriously pet-peeved) when grown-ups walk through the door that my young boy is holding open for them without thanking him, or sometimes without even looking at him.
This is so NOT me to do, but secretly I wish that just once I could call someone out on it. "Pardon me," I would say, "but how do you suppose that door got open for you? Did you not notice the not-even-4-foot-tall, tiny individual using all his strength to hold it open so that you could walk through?"
Of course, I'd never actually say that to someone. But the lack of acknowledgement is upsetting.
I kind of wonder though if God sometimes takes issue with us on this very thing. "Pardon me," He might say, "but how do you suppose that door got open for you? Did you not perceive the One used His mighty strength to hold it open for you so that you could walk through?"
"How do you suppose you have food on your table?"
"How do you suppose you were able to accomplish what seemed impossible?"
"How do you suppose you have a roof over your head?"
"How do you suppose you found favor in that situation?"
"How do you suppose you're able to lead worship so well / write so well / parent so well / teach so well / speak so well?"
The hand of the LORD has done it--He has made a way. Perhaps He has delighted to do it in and through you, but the hand of the LORD has done these things. And His works demand our acknowledgement.
I love this verse:
Let us acknowledge the LORD;
Let us PRESS ON to acknowledge the LORD.
Hosea 6:3
* What work or provision of God might you need to acknowledge today?Let us PRESS ON to acknowledge the LORD.
Hosea 6:3

Thea, i share that pet peeve.....and i try to make a big deal out of thanking the kids who do this at church...or at the grocery store...or anywhere else. Common courtesy is becoming a dinosaur. But i'd never really turned it around the way you did and realize that God does this for me every minute of every day. Thanks for helping me see it!