Thursday, April 22, 2010

"No Matter What."

Three days of school; Three days of notes home from the teacher.

After a long stretch of great behavior at school, it's been a rough week for Trevor. Justin and I have talked to and disciplined him far more than we typically need to.

So tonight I crept into Trevor's room long after he'd fallen asleep, and I took him in my arms and kissed his head. I told him I loved him, and then I just kept holding him and saying outloud, "No matter what. No matter what. No matter what."

And I tell you, it was almost like there was an echo in the room, because I was not the only one saying it. I can't explain it other than to say I was suddenly so very aware that my Heavenly Father was speaking the same over me...

"No matter what. No matter what. No matter what."

You see, this week I've been broken. So mindful of my frailties and failures. Felt really unworthy of His glory and grace. Been keenly aware of my inabilities.

And yet my sin and my failures haven't managed to run Him off. He loves me.

No matter what.

1 comment:

  1. When my son was little, I would go into his room after he left for school, put my hand on his pillow, and pray for his mind to be conformed to the mind of Christ. That was twenty something years ago, and he is now a strong godly believer. Never underestimate your prayers and God's intense love. (I know you don't!)
